If you keep up with WWE wrestling at all, you may have seen the stunning fitness model Brittany Beede on the third season of NXT as Jamie Keyes.
When I first saw her I thought, "You know Aksana is a former bodybuilder, fitness model and personal trainer, but Jamie looks way more cut-up than she does."
I just knew she was gonna be at least in the finals with that physique, but she was the very first Diva to be eliminated from the competition.
I know pro wrestling is fake, but they rigged this too?
How do I know it was rigged?
Well just look at her!

Tell me she would have not made a great WWE Diva given the training.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, she already did have a little training.
Brittany started out as a kid with gymnastics, dance, tennis, volleyball, boxing, track and field, karate, weightlifting and cheer leading.
Yes boxing and karate, she already had a martial arts background.
Then she became a model as she worked her way through nursing school.
Wrestlicious saw her first and wanted her as their ring announcer (again...let her wrestle!)
But then oddly enough she showed up not in Wrestlicious, but TNA managing Kevin Nash at the 2009 Final Resolution pay-per-view.
Then WWE saw her pics at Wrestlicious and signed her.
I'm guessing John Laurinaitis saw her.
This led to her begin trained as a wrestler by Steve Keirn and her showing up on FCW and NXT.
But like I said, she was the first Diva eliminated.
But forget wrestling, this lady could be a real threat in IFBB Figure or IFBB Bikini either one.
Maybe she could pull an Aksana, win a bunch of competitions and have the WWE come crawling back to her.
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