Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Fitness Model - Trina Goosby

Fitness Model - Trina Goosby

Name: Trina Goosby
Age: 28
Where: Boca Raton, Florida
Height: 5'
Weight: 105 Lbs.
Years Competing: 5
Favorite Bodypart: Shoulders
Strongest Bodypart: Legs
Favorite Supplements: Nutrex Lipo-6, S.A.N. T3, and CytoSport EvoPro
Measurements: 34-25-33

Fitness Model - Trina Goosby

I started ballet training at age 3 and basically lived in a dance studio until I was 12 years old. At age 7, I would tag-along with my mom to her Jazzercise classes in my little ballet leotard, tights, and legwarmers.

I started watching all of the fitness shows, such as, Kiana Tom, Cory Everson, Body shaping, and Denise Austin at age 12. I begged my dad to buy me one of those SoloFlex machines that were really popular in the early 1990's, which he did.

I would also save up my allowance and every week buy a new workout tape and a heavier set of hand weights. Before I knew it, I developed my own little gym in my bedroom. Everyday throughout Jr. High and High School, I came home and worked out. At this point, I knew I was destined to have a career and lifestyle with health and fitness.

I left for college where I danced on the University's Dance Team, started teaching aerobics, and personal training. During my 4 years of college, I realized I wanted to compete and be a part of the fitness world like those I saw in Oxygen Magazine.

By the end of my college career, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology/Kinesiology and decided to leave my home-state of Wisconsin and head to South Florida.

Fitness Model - Trina Goosby

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